Ángeles Echevarría

Managing Director at Openvia Portugal & Head of Operations at Openvia Mobility

Angeles Echevarria

Who am I?

Curious, passionate and optimistic. My motto is, “It’s only impossible if you don’t try».

What´s my story?

Continuous learning and stepping out of my comfort zone. Road worker by training, with and MBA and music degree, change is my guide: transport planning, market and economic feasibility studies, infrastructure operation and management. Always focused on the world of mobility, both nationally and internationally. So much mobility has taken me from large engineering firms to small consulting firms, the «big four” and concessionaires in several different cities, until I dropped anchor in Portugal – for now. I got involved in innovation two years ago. I was waiting for it and now I’m a part of it.

What do I do at Openvia?

Dream. Help Globalvia open its eyes to new user-centric business opportunities. Help the people who work with me move closer to making the dream a reality.

Ask me about…?

Anything. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find out for my own curiosity. And I’ll also ask you. My three beasts, music, science fiction, macroeconomics, trivia questions and how to make life easier for my fellow man, in this case, travelers.

More from our team

We are a team of professionals with a wide range of experience and skills. We are passionate about technology and innovation, and we are committed to the development of our customers and partners.