Globalvia leads digital roads through NeoRoads

CincoDías has echoed the prominent role of Openvia, and specifically of NeoRoads, in the development of the design and equipment of the highways of the future.

As reported in the article, the NeoRoads road digitization project was officially presented at the South Summit from June 7 to 9.

Openvia shared the keys to the services and technologies used to increase road safety, improve mobility and make highway maintenance more efficient, safe and predictive.

There are multiple bases that allow the transformation of traditional infrastructures into intelligent mobility solutions:

  • Use of 5G technology.
  • V2X communications.
  • Applied artificial intelligence.
  • State-of-the-art connectivity.

The approach to digitalization and optimization of travel is not only relevant for mobility operators. Drivers and vehicles are also beneficiaries of NeoRoads.

Openvia has a real testing space in Pocahontas Parkways, the infrastructure operated by Globalvia in Virginia, USA. This project allows detecting business opportunities and becoming a collaborative space between infrastructure operators, car manufacturers, suppliers, etc.

A useful, sustainable and intelligent transformation approach, as Fernando Vallejo, director of innovation and sustainability at Openvia, points out: «We want to turn the gray color of the roads into the blue of digitalization. The connected vehicle will be the prelude, I believe for many years to come, to autonomous driving, in which the driver will be able to take his hands off the wheel and his eyes off the road.»

See the original source.

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