Globalvia present at sector events in Madrid

As a company at the forefront of the transport infrastructure sector, Globalvia is present at the most important events and meetings, promoting dialogue and disseminating its business vision.

Javier Pérez Fortea participates in the XI Meeting of the Infrastructure Sector

Javier Pérez Fortea, CEO of Globalvia, participated on Tuesday 9 April in the 11th Infrastructure Sector Meeting organised by ABC and Deloitte at the Casino de Madrid.

The event, entitled «Current situation and prospects of the Transport Infrastructure sector», was led by the Minister of Public Works, José Luis Ábalos. The leading private companies in the sector, including Globalvia, as well as state bodies that focus their activity in this field, participated in the meeting.

Javier Pérez Fortea participated in the panel discussion on the outlook for the concessions sector and opportunities for public-private partnerships. In it, Javier and the rest of the executives who accompanied him in this panel -Juan Osuna from Aleatica, José Aljaro from Abertis and José Antonio Labarra from Roadis- have expressed their opinion on the financing of Spanish highways. The CEO of Globalvia commented in this regard: «the toll road barriers should not be raised until the pay-per-use system is structured», an issue which has already been demanded by SEOPAN and which the Government acknowledges that it is studying.

During his speech, Javier Pérez Fortea also made reference to the liberalisation of passenger rail transport, announcing that Globalvia is already negotiating alliances to enter the market.

Intervention by Javier Pérez Fortea at the XI Meeting of the Infrastructure Sector

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Globalvia participates in the XIX ITS Spain Congress

The 19th Spanish Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, organised by ITS España, took place on 1, 2 and 3 April at the CentroCentro venue of the Madrid City Council.

The rapid evolution of cooperative systems, the commitment to autonomous driving, the growing use of Big Data, the continuous improvement of information systems in public transport, the contribution of ITS to Smart Cities and initiatives on Mobility as a Service (MaaS) are some of the topics on the agenda of this 19th Congress.

In this year’s edition, Globalvia was present with the attendance of members of the Corporate Innovation and Operations teams. On Tuesday 2 April, Fernando Vallejo, Director of SSII, Innovation and Transformation, chaired the panel on the autonomous vehicle with the participation of the companies GMV, IDOM, Tekia Ingenieros, ESYCSA – ETRA Group, CEIT, CTAG, INDRA and ASIMOB. With the participation of all of them, the topic of the autonomous vehicle has been covered from different perspectives, thus achieving a very rich and varied panel in content. In Fernando’s words, «New mobility solutions are becoming more and more far-reaching and require a more digital and intelligent infrastructure».

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