Isabel Machado

Talent Manager at Openvia Portugal

isabel machado

Who am I?

I am a simple, dedicated and disciplined person. Passionate about life, my family and friends and my work. My motto is “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go in a group.”

What´s my story?

I started my professional career after finishing my Masters in Organizational Psychology at the University of Coimbra. I have dedicated my time, my studies and my professional career to the area of ​​human resources and work team development. In my free time I like to learn and deepen my knowledge, among others, I have certified training in coaching, neurolinguistic programming, positive psychology and systemic constellations.

What do I do at Openvia?

I’m a talent manager.

Ask me about…?

Team development, personal development, organizational phenomena, yoga, meditation.

More from our team

We are a team of professionals with a wide range of experience and skills. We are passionate about technology and innovation, and we are committed to the development of our customers and partners.